Monday, February 7, 2011

Modern Paganism- Electronics

So one of the biggest questions I have recieved since the end of my podcast was, "Drake what do you mean when you say modern pagan?" It took me a little while to actually ponder what I meant when I used this phrase. I know that it sounded really good and that it actually is how I describe my practice. I am a modern pagan living in the modern world using all of the modern convinces I can during the course of my day.

I know what you are thinking, what I described was really long winded, but hey that is me! I used to know a person and she really is a great witch. She taught me a lot but she was really stuck in the stone ages when it came to her practice. It won't say any names but she knows who she is. She used to tell me things like we can't have radios or cell phones in circle because it will get in the way of magikal energies. OK! I used to have a huge problem with this because I along with many people in today's world are completly attached to small electronics. I mean who isn't seriously?

Think about it! For me simply waking up for my day on time is reliant on a small alarm clock. I use an electric tooth brush and turn on the lights to see in the morning. I reach for my iPhone and turn it on and get a flood of text messages and emails. At work I use a small palm pilot to do my daily tasks. Even driving in my car I am completely reliant on electronics. So for something that is as engrained into our daily lives as small electronics are, I always ask how it would get in the way of my magick?

My answer is IT WONT! Here is my reasoning, if we look at it this way, what is our craft but an evolution of thoughts put into action? So let's stretch a little more and say this, electronic devices are an evolution of our thoughts put into action. From the discovery of electricity and its power, human thought has evolved. When computers were first invented they were the size of a large room. Now we have the iPad and net books that fit basically in our back pockets. Electronics have evolved with us to help make life as easy and as convient as possible. So why would we not use them in our own practices.

I for one keep a "USB of Shadows." I do keep an actually book but I find that if I need to look something up all I have to do is pop in my USB drive and double click. It is so much easier than fumbling through my rather extensive book of shadows and trying to find something.

I also like to use music in my own personal rituals so I put my iPhone on my speaker dock which is right on my alter and play music. I find that personally it fits rather well with the flow of things. So to those of you who are curious try it out. Step out of the Stone Age and into the modern world with the rest of us. LOL just kidding but seriously don't be afraid of changes because we all think and change over time. Evolve with your thoughts and your practices will change right along with you.

Bright and Dark Blessings

Drake Atlas

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Back Once Again

So I know it has been quite some time since anyone has heard from me. In case you dont know me my name is Drake Atlas. I was the host of Get Out of the Broom Closet The Podcast. It was a pagan podcast for modern pagans. I decided to stop doing that podcast in January of 2010 because of time constraints, but I always have time to blog. Blogging is just easier than podcasting. If any of you have ever heard my podcast you know that I am a very OCD person. For a half hour show it would take me about 3 days of extremly hard work that I just didnt have the time for. But the comments and emails kept on comming asking me to update episodes and the website. Sadly time would just not allow it. So I am doing this blog for you the reader.

So back by popular demand in the blog will be about my rambelings and how I practice witchcraft, just keep in mind that it will be just one persons opinions. So if you disagree with anything that you read in the course of my blogs thats great. It just simply means that you are doing your own thinking.

I have been getting emails applenty since my podcast ended from people asking questions. If anyone has tried to email me you know that I still answer most if not all of them. You can email me any time at I try my best to get you as quick an answer as I can. I will respond to all emails but since I no longer am able to read all emails in a recording, I will choose one and make that the topic of my rants.

I will also be adding a new feature to my blog that will allow you to call me directly and if I am available you will be able to speak with me personally and get a personal voice to voice chat with me. If I am not available you can leave me a voice mail with your questions or I will call you back. All you have to do is click the call me button on the blog page, enter your phone number and your name. Google voice will than call you and connect you directly to me. I am adding this feature because I find that it is a really good touch to actually speak to a person when dealing with the craft. Because it gives you a sence that someone is really there and cares about what is going on. Just remember standard voice and/or data charges may apply and I will not be responsible for any charges your phone company may charge you for using this service. Call your phone company for any questions.

If you were a fan of the podcast you will remember my stone segments. They will be continuing just in a different format. I will dive deeper into the stones information such as locations, cost, meditation, uses both magikal and practical, and other tid bits of information that really get lost in translation.

Also returning is my herb segments, I hope to have the same usefull information that was available in my podcasts but with a twist. My herb blog posts will be much much more informative, as if my podcasts were not already loaded with usefull information.

In summary I really hope you enjoy my blog as much as you enjoyed my show. Even if you never did hear an episode I hope you take something away from this blog and apply it to your own practices. This blog really is for you. Again I encourage you to keep checking back because you never know when I will randomly decide to post my mind workings. If you have any questions feel free to email me at

Bright and Dark Blessings

Drake Atlas